La mamma tiene la mano dei suoi bambini per un po',
i loro cuori per sempre.
un nuovo fiore sul ramo, un pomeriggio al sole e a piedi nudi in cortile
aspettare, di nuovo, insieme
noi intanto giochiamo un po'
sarai più di me, di noi
ci somiglieremo
arriverai con i colori dell'estate
porterai una nuova storia
ti insegneremo a nuotare e a fare le bolle di sapone
vedrai che bello il mare...
ti abbiamo preparato il secchiello
ci sveglierai nel sonno
ti riaddormenteremo
ti cedo la mia culla, sai?
siamo grandi da poco
ti insegneremo che dare è meglio che avere
ti proteggeremo dal vento e dal buio
ti daremo coraggio
condivideremo l'amore
e… visto che vieni da lontano,
magari, arrivando ci porti un regalino?
Shoot session and flowers by Frallalà Event Planner & Design
Please, do no use photos without permission.
The mother holds the hand of her children for a while ',
their hearts forever.
a new flower on the branch, an afternoon in the sun and walking barefoot in the yard
wait, again, together
in the mean time we play a little '
you will be better than me
but similar
you will arrive with summer colors
bringing a new story
and new dreams to fulfill
we will teach you to swim and how to make soap bubbles
you'll see the beautiful sea ...
we have prepared the bucket for the sand
I give you my cot, do you know?
we teach you that giving is better than having
will protect you from the wind and the darkness
we'll give you courage
we'll share the love
and ... since you come from afar,
maybe can bring us a gift?
Please, do no use photos without permission.
The mother holds the hand of her children for a while ',
their hearts forever.
a new flower on the branch, an afternoon in the sun and walking barefoot in the yard
wait, again, together
in the mean time we play a little '
you will be better than me
but similar
you will arrive with summer colors
bringing a new story
and new dreams to fulfill
we will teach you to swim and how to make soap bubbles
you'll see the beautiful sea ...
we have prepared the bucket for the sand
I give you my cot, do you know?
we teach you that giving is better than having
will protect you from the wind and the darkness
we'll give you courage
we'll share the love
and ... since you come from afar,
maybe can bring us a gift?
Bello ed emozionante